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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Difficult Getting Started

It has taken me so long to get this site going, because I began with a post that turned into a paper that turned into an idea for a book. But books take time to write, so if I have to write a book before I can post, then I will never be able to post anything! I realize this now and I have made a new plan. I will begin posting little thoughts about the unschooling ideas I have been having.

First, let me tell you where I stand. I got curious about the term unschooling, so I began looking into it. After reading a lot about it, I have discovered many things I agree with, and many things I disagree with. Since I am not going to wait until I write all my thoughts out clearly to begin posting my thoughts about unschooling, I will just randomly begin posting various thoughts on the subject. I gladly welcome comments, questions or disagreements since this topic is one that I am working through, not one that I clearly understand.


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