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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Random Idea

I keep having this idea that I want to teach subjects together, or overlapping with each other. I loved philosophy and psychology so much that I didn't see any difference between the two. Every psychology class I took was steeped with philosophy for me, and visa versa. So when I teach my children in late middle or high school, I will make sure to teach certain subjects together rather than separately. The subjects I have in mind are, of course, Psychology and Philosophy, but additionally English (both reading and writing) can be taught with those two. Cooking and Art can coincide with Math and Geometry. Reading can coincide with History as well.

I am picturing still introducing these subjects as separate in their own ways, but I am just saying that I won't leave it at that. Too often the student is on his or her own to draw connections between their fields or classes. I just want to be sure to demonstrate how these subjects are only separated for teaching purposes, but that really they are all connected.

I believe it will certainly be much easier to understand the different subjects because they will be talked about more fully and in depth this way. It seems to be helping my mother and sister when they read English novels from the time period in History that they are studying.

I haven't listed all the ways in which I will be combining subjects, and I know I haven't even fully explained my thoughts about it. But I just wanted to write down my idea, so that I can come back to it later.


T,L&T said...

Thought I would check here in case you put something up about Melissa Camp this week showing what you and Tori did/studied/made this week. Looks like a good place to write about it!

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